Accidents in farming in Santa Fe province, Argentina

Ana I. Molineri, Héctor D. Tarabla, José Gabriel Amoril, Marcelo L. Signorini


Background: frequency of occupational accidents tends to be high in rural areas. Objectives: to characterize accidents and injuries, risk perception and adoption of protective elements on livestock workers in Sarmiento, Santa Fe, Argentina. Methods: a cross-sectional study was carried out on a random sample of 125 workers. Data was collected by personal interviews using a structured questionnaire. Statistical analysis included χ2, Spearman rank correlation and logistic regression. Results: fifty four percent had suffered at least one occupational accident, being associated with sex (P= 0.04), activity within the farm (P= 0.18) and years of farm work (P= 0.02). Perceptions of risk were highest in itinere traffic (92%) and handling of chemicals (85%) but was not correlated with the adoption of safety practices. Correlations between perceptions were highest between the use of machinery and tools (r= 0.83, P< 0.0001) and the handling of abortions and carcasses (r= 0.71, P< 0.0001). Wearing gloves was most frequent when handling abortions (61%) and was correlated with their use during parturitions and the handling of carcasses (r= 0.92 and 0.94 respectively, P< 0.0001). Seat belts and car lights during daytime were mostly used on main roads. Conclusions: an intensive educational effort is suggested to minimize the frequency of accidents and maximize the adoption of safety practices.

Palabras clave

accidents; protective elements; livestock production; risk perception; safety practices

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